Package-level declarations


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Store for all setup processes on the link between a Minecraft account and a Discord account.


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fun sendDMToUser(userId: String, embed: EmbedBuilder): MessageCreateAction?

Sends a direct message to a user with the provided user ID and embed.

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fun sendLogEmbed(embed: EmbedBuilder): MessageCreateAction?

Sends a log message as an embedded message to a specified channel in a guild.

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fun sendToChannel(guildEnv: String = "GUILD_ID", channelEnv: String, message: String): MessageCreateAction?
fun sendToChannel(guildEnv: String = "GUILD_ID", channelEnv: String, message: MessageCreateData): MessageCreateAction?

Sends a message to a specified channel in a guild.

fun sendToChannel(guildId: String, channelId: String, embed: MessageEmbed): MessageCreateAction?

Sends a message embed to the specified channel in a guild.

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fun sendToMainChannel(discordChannelEnvs: DiscordChannelEnvs, message: String): MessageCreateAction?

Sends a message to the main channel of a Discord guild based on the provided DiscordChannelEnvs.

fun sendToMainChannel(discordChannelEnvs: DiscordChannelEnvs, embed: MessageEmbed): MessageCreateAction?

Sends a message embed to the main channel.

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Throws an exception message to a Discord channel.